About Lucille

I’m currently a product designer at the Associated Press, with a background in design, business, and cognitive psychology.

In my free time, you can find me exploring cafes, learning new things, and petting every four-legged animal that I see.

Magic (Design) Happens at Intersections

In a previous life, I spent my time obsessing over products while working at Procter & Gamble, ABC News, General Mills, and various startups.

Solving global supply chain issues while working in procurement allowed me to strengthen my problem-solving and product thinking skills, while my experience in journalism enabled me to clearly distill my ideas through written and verbal communication. And through majoring in psychology, I was able to further deepen my empathy and understanding of human behavior.

All of these past interests and experiences — whether it be creative problem-solving, storytelling, or cognitive psychology — beautifully intersected to lead me into product design today.